prayer against the spirit of lawlessness

Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anxiety Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, Your servant Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho, and the walls fell. No one has submitted a prayer yet. I want to, but do not know how to get these racing thoughts out of my head. Jesus says that the reason for this upsurge of cold, hypocritical love that eventually betrays a brother is owing to the increase of lawlessness. Destroy the wickedness inside me that wants to do want I want, rather than Your holy will for my life. Give me discernment so I can see when people are trying to take advantage of me or trying to deceive me. The Bible says, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him," (Isaiah 59:19). In Jesus name. The Bible talks about the mystery of iniquity or in some versions the spirit of lawlessness. 2. Thank You for all You do for me without me even asking. We call down angels to protect the police and first responders. Calm our minds and remind us that we are stronger together than apart. 6. Amen. Lord, help me do that. A Prayer To God In Time Of Great Sadness A Prayer To Know Your Grace In My Life A Prayer To Prepare My Mind A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness A Prayer To Share The Gospel A Prayer To 'Be Holy As God Is Holy' A Prayer When Feeing Lonely A Bond Of Unity In The Body Of Christ Let us be a witness of Light in the dark. We have identified five particular prayer foci which are vanguard movements of the Holy Spirit: 1. We have perverted Your perfect order for one of our own which has chosen death instead of Life. Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven,And whose sins have been covered. We need to continually ask what Jesus wants to do today through our prayer and stick to the assignments that He gives us. Father God, we cry to you Abba! Father, protect the law enforcement people, I ask that You put a hedge of protection around them as they do their jobs. Cold love results from lawlessness. Tonight on PrayerNation we prayed against the spirit of FEAR and walked right into FAITH! Amen.,,, Presbyterian-Reformed Ministries International, Announcing the Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare, Announcing the New Advanced Course in Strategic Intercession and Spiritual Warfare. American countries where gangs and evil has bedded down deep into countries that you would tenderly bless; cause all nations to come to you for peace, for forgiveness and order. Powers robbing me of my blessings by making me too lazy to serve God, disappear now in the name of Jesus. Whenever a prideful group makes statements and threats against law and order we must assume their words are true until proven otherwise. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Addiction Oh, Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world, heal me from my distress. Help me to focus my life on becoming closer to You and being an example of You to others. Required fields are marked *. His return is nearer than what a lot of people think. This is not a natural problem, but a spiritual one.Please let your heart overflow with love toward our land, and pray with us for the will of God to be done. He then adds, For this [reason], God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie (verse 11). God You are calling the Bride of Christ as One New Man (Jew and Gentile) to discipline ourselves to pray and praise 7 times a day for our Nation, the next 3 years and You will remove the chaos in our land! Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Greed My Righteous Savior, You say the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. This is the characteristic of the spirit of lawlessness -- deception -- and it must, and will be destroyed, by the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man who destroys the destroyer of earth. As always, we need to pray for the gift of discernment to see clearly what Satan is doing and what the Lord is doing. Satans plans are to stir up racial hatred and division by playing on past and present injustices. Instill hope in my heart that the future is bright. Matthew 13:41 Verse Concepts The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, 2 Corinthians 6:14 Verse Concepts Those with discernment understand where lawlessness is birthed there is an inability to understand right from wrong. And the truth is that in many instances, our prisons are completely and utterly out of control. 3. Everything seems empty and blank. Because lawlessness is increased, most peoples love will grow cold. I pray that I will be obedient to all of Your commandments. Start by reflecting for a moment on that word lawlessness. Amen. Preserve your devoted followers and . being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; unrestrained: lawless passion, a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law, anarchy, a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). Father, sanctify and purify my soul in the blood of Jesus. I went and looked at it and agree! In Your holy name, I pray. A few of you intercessors may be led to engage at this higher level. May we see a great revival of love for Your Word and Salvation in Jesus Christ take hold of whole families in America and across the world.use the Decision America tours of sharing Christ in every city Franklin Graham visits..let the church arise and become the bold and joyous Bride Jesus will come and receive. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work (2 Thessalonians 2:7). In Jesus name. In Jesus name. Fourth, this will lead us into an engagement with the human beings through whom the high level demons are working. 3. Place the fear of You, oh God, in my heart as Joseph had., Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36. Jesus is the one who loves God's law in the full. How would you respond if you were attacked like this? Oh, Lord, be my fortress against every spirit that will cause me to have impure thoughts. Intercessors for America is the trusted resource for millions of people across the United States committed to praying for our nation. Crush all bitterness that is lingering in me, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. I believe our very existence as a free nation is on the line in the next few months. The Spirit of Wisdom. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This ministry is part of the great wave of the Holy Spirit that is advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ world wide. Amen. May many peoples hearts be circumcised! They are finding many willing human agents who are cooperating with them because hatred and division gives both the demons and their human collaborators spiritual and political power. When we have low value and worth for ourselves, the spirit of fear uses the opportunity to take over and control the person's life. Login Sign Up No one has submitted a prayer yet. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. through Prayer, Leadership Development, Growing The Church, and Mission Outreach, The Lord had been leading me to provide prayer cover for this young and courageous prophetic voice in our nation. I need Your help to protect me from the spirit of perverseness. Satan will deceive masses of people, just as he did Eve, by convincing them of a subtle but powerful lie: God doesnt punish for sin!. Take back the heart of the families, the heart of communities, the heart of Law according to You. [But, prayer can change all of these numbers. Forgive me of all my sins and forgive America of hers. But this is what happens when we raise an entire generation without any values whatsoever. This last weekend leading up to Halloween, I had a deep awareness of some brooding evil being unleashed. (All those who think conservative commentators such as Bill OReilly or Ben Shapiro hold Trump absolutely above criticism obviously have not been listening to them.). Lord, I pray that every door I have opened that has allowed witchcraft to come into my life is closed. Let me fear no mere mortal or be intimated by any persons presence. Expose and destroy the lies of the media, the politician, lobbyist and big corporation donors who crave the power for world dominance only You hold. We are Your Nation and Your people and are called by Your name. Help us Heavenly Father to commit to pray and praise 7 times a day for our Nation for the next 3 years! Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Prayer against the Spirit of Fear /Overcome Fear/Scripture prayer against fear & anxiety/No more FearThis prayer is inspired by Holy Spirit for people who ar. Paul says this deception will come because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved (verse 10). Required fields are marked *. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. They were still there a few hours later, and so the president of the . Only You are righteous and Your laws are what is good for us. The Spirit of Knowledge. Your Word says that You have ransomed me and I am free. Father, you are a God of order. 3. I try, Jesus, but I still have doubt. And it is a spirit that is at work throughout America today, leaving a train of destruction in its path. Motivate me to spring out of bed in the morning with vigor and ready to work. Women acting as men, men acting as women, children disrespecting parents and being raised to believe they are the center not a part of Your bigger picture of the family as the training ground for the necessary understanding of law and order. Fix my eyes on You and Your word. The attacks on the officers started as they were arresting another young man, and in the video, they can be seen handcuffing the man while he was splayed out on the hood of a car.e. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Witchcraft Lord God of Heaven and Earth, I get on my knees before You to ask for protection from any spirit of witchcraft, sorcery, fortune-telling, or black magic. Healing is a Part of the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that lawlessness would increase in the end times. O: Let us pray. In Jesus name. Where sin abounded, It feels very much to me like we are entering into the hour of the power of darkness where if Satans plans are not stopped, there can be terrible consequences for the nation. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Manipulation All-Powerful Father, You are such a wonderful Father. But we are entering into a complex battle that is close to home and very dangerous. As you will see below, all over the nation, young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers and committing criminal acts in large groups. You can eat the fruit and you wont have to pay for it!. Bless me with steadfast conviction in You. When the spirit of adultery came, he ran away and let the Lord fight his battles. Amen. (KJV) VIOLENCE shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements. The word keeps coming, This is the hidden power of lawlessness that is already at work in the world. This is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; study the whole section for the full import. For those who teach have an unbearable responsibility to exercise your truth while delivering your grace to the repentant soul. The Church, speaking about the body of Christ, is not exempt from the influences of this spirit. Tel: (719) 487-7888 | Fax: (719) 896-5410 Fill my heart with a heart of love that cries out Father forgive them for anyone who has ever hurt me. . 2. Let me live in Your perfect peace. And lead us not . 5. God, I run and hide behind You. God have mercy on us. This seems like a small thing. There needs to be a responsible husband and father in the house, and parents also need to be loving nurturing their children and teaching them moral principles. God is NOT saving the world, He always judges the unrighteous, we know that; Noah, Nineveh, Sodom & Gomorrah, Israel (Kings). Removing leaders around whom strongholds are forming through democratic or judicial processes, or by supernatural intervention. Jesus, Your Scripture says: the devil entered Judas, then he betrayed You. We say NO to the evil being perpetuated over the youth who lack a knowledge of You and Your love for them. Protect me, oh Jesus, from believing lies and being deceived. Lawlessness has gained a foothold. In fact, they will invent a grace that is far beyond what God intended. Let not the spirit of rebellion come upon me as it came upon Saul. The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness. This took place 11-16-2016 but gives you a flavor of the tactics being used all over the country. From A reporter discovered three deer that were deceased along the bank of a creek that runs south from East Palestine, Ohio, and into the Ohio River on Monday. Box 8930 The Spirit of the Lord. Restore us to Your Law and Order, remove the chaos and confusion from the minds of our youth and clearly show them a better way, Your way. (3) Let no one deceive you in any way. Send Your Heavenly Armies to defend, defeat and take back the territory stolen by the enemy. I command every spirit of bad ending to be bound in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus. 4. In Jesus name. Be the first one to post one! Father, we have forgotten You in favor of selfish choices that have destroyed the very heartbeat of Your social system, the family, the perfect order You established. Thank You for putting my sins on Your innocent, holy Son. 2. What a prophetic statement over the Church and our country! Prayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits. Bind the Spirit of Lawlessness Our authority, in Jesus Christ, for binding and loosing is found in Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, and John 20:23. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Unforgiveness Almighty Jesus, You forgave the entire worlds sin. You alone are worthy of worship. This spirit of lawlessness is rampant in our nation today. On the third bead, Say the hymn Come Holy Ghost. Go watch the full LIVE on Facebook and YouTube! These seven spirits are said to work together, bringing forth the power of God to wars, judgments, and other forms of divine intervention . Praise be to God, our Lord and Saviour. This excerpt explains why the case is vitally important to our Constitution. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Many intercessors have been passing information on to me that seems credible enough for us to go to the Lord and ask direction as to how to pray. Here are 25 strong prayers for protection from evil spirits, including images you can print to use and share. This characterization is the exact opposite of Jesus Christ. You say to be strong and courageous. Position Paper - College of Prayer International - College of Prayer . For those illegal men, women and children coming into America, bypassing our laws of our sovereign country, change their minds, their hearts to seek peace in their own countries. Amen! This healing extends to the societal and individual devastation caused by the pandemic. Pray also for Gods judgment to break forth against all wicked counsel assigned to cause the demise of your citizens. SJW confront Ben Shapiro at the University of Wisconsin. In agreement, I pray for parents to wake up to the Truth of the Bible and raise children to respect life, respect parents and teachers, give honor to God in their lives from an early age. As God was sending plagues down upon Egypt, he was preparing to deliver the righteous seed of Abraham from slavery. Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Here are the reports which must be discerned. It is an outright rejection of the truth that is in Christ a casting aside of Gods Holy Word and His commands. He lives inside of us and is the only hope we have in these times of tribulation. Amen. The church congregation was supposed to be the salt of the earth, but they are more concerned with money, church sizes and church announcements! The point I am making here, however, is that these human aspects open the door for demonic powers to work their evil within human culture. Lawlessness is always accompanied by hate - a toxic hatred of all that is good and godly. Purge any moral errors from my soul, dear Lord, and walk close to me all the days of my life. It is the very force behind the legislation that seeks to banish God from our society; the same spirit that Satan used to deceive Eve when he told her, in so many words, God wont punish you for disobeying. Amen. Call to Pray Against the High Level Demonic Spirit, the Lawless One As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, "Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements." some worthless men have gone out from among you and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods (whom you have not known). Transforming Lives Through the Message and Mission of Jesus Christ In reflecting on this, Jon Gurley adds an insight that is powerful affirmation of the role of prayer in holding back evil: Many have debated about who the one who holds him back is. These would be those who are funding, enabling and leading those in Antifa and in other expressions of this stronghold. Of course many of these young criminals will end up in prison, but in many cases, that will just mean they will learn how to be even better criminals from those they are incarcerated with. Thank you for the victory, Father. (7) For the hidden power of lawlessness is already at work. Lift them up and let people arise who will back the law enforcement agents. Thank you my Lord for always been there to protect me from all evil attacks. I believe one of the roots of this problem is that the government has subsidized having children without marriage, which therefore has been penalized. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Laziness Jesus, my Savior, thank so much for Your need-fulfilling mercies. In Jesus name. This recent exposure is consistent with and a confirmation of what the Holy Spirit had already revealed to the discernment team, which Martin and I reported in the Discerning the Times, Exposing the Growing Alliance of the Radical Left and Radical Islam March 2, 2017 The eroding of justice brings increased rebellion. The Spirit of Counsel. Prayers for divine protection: Father, I thank you for the gift of life and sound health, in Jesus name. Thwart their plans, put the fear of God in their hearts so they might turn from the enemy who keeps them captive to his evil plans. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Division Almighty Father, please protect me from the spirit of division in my household. Show me how to fill the void and emptiness that I feel with Your love, instead of with food. Let us thoroughly repent, turn from our wicked ways, then He will heal the land. Turn my attention from selfies and the urge to tell everyone who I am and what I am doing. For example. You can eat the fruit and you won't have to pay for it!" You say that vengeance is Yours and that You will repay my oppressors for what they have done to Your child. A Spirit of Lawlessness. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. He is an orthodox Jew and a fearless and brilliant defender of our Judeo-Christian values on his TV show and on college campuses. Let the wisdom from Your Word protect me from the spirit of debauchery, which roams the earth like a lion waiting to devour Your people. One of the weapons that can fight fear is faith and when this is absent, then there is a chance for fear to penetrate. Although not reported in much of the USA news media, interestingly this article from Great Britain gives us some insight into the activities of Antifa: Department of Homeland Security has reportedly been warning about growing threat of violence between left-wing anarchists and right-wing nationalists since early 2016, Lucy Pasha-Robinson @lucypasha Sunday 3 September 2017 23:00 BST. We need You Father. Christ Jesus, I come before You and ask for protection from the spirit of corruption. The spirit of lawlessness, a spirit that despises authority and that cultivates chaos. The Spirit of Understanding. Here are some strategies for dealing with the people around whom are being formed the strongholds being expressed in Antifa and other organizations: The primary strategies and tactics of intercession and spiritual warfare in battlespace 2: I know this is a lot! Make me quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, for a healthy respect and a healthy good conscience to develop within our nation. Psalm 91 is our only refuge as things will continue to get worse. This is simply a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. The most powerful antidote for the times we are living in is to strengthen our "prayer muscles." 3. Amen. Healing the internal and/or external ground of entry of evil spirits working through the leader. Some say it is the Holy Spirit, others say it is the Church. Thank You for taking those nails in Your hands. Ease my anguish over my unbelief, dear Jesus. Unfortunately, there is a lot of evil in this world, and the enemy constantly tries to tear us apart from God by putting evil into our hearts and minds. One teenager told my daughter no one has ever loved me. In Jesus name. Help us Lord to do what is right in Your sight. The altar is our prayer life. Guide my actions so that I do not put myself in a situation where I am tempted. Apparently after chapel on Wednesday, February 8, a group of 20 students decided to stay to sing, pray, and share testimonies. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA NEEDS PRAYER - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! Draw me near to You and my spouse. If you are called to this level please let the rest of the teams know so we can all back you up. Pray for a spirit of prayer and repentance to be poured out on the church, so that the country will turn back to the Living God (Jonah 3:8). You bought me with the price of the cross, and I want to glorify You with my time on this earth. Ben Bergquam with Real America's Voice News announced the chilling discovery through a mobile phone video that In the midst of trauma, always let God show you areas in our lives that can be purified. You are Lord of glorified in the the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Let it wither up and die. This spirit of lawlessness is rampant in our nation today. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Debauchery Precious Holy Spirit, thank You, for Your Word gives life. It is a demonic scheme to pervert Christs gospel of grace. Unbiblical Expectations of Revival. Precious Holy Spirit, I have had enough drunkenness and wild parties in my life. The events occurring at Asbury University have created quite a discussion online concerning the nature of revival. We pray that the lawlessness in our nation, which reflects an anti-Christ spirit, and a spirit of violence, would cease. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and Your light. In the name of Jesus, I confess that I don't have the spirit of laziness and procrastination. Instill hope in my life plagues down upon Egypt, he ran away and let people arise who back... 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Frank Broyles Huntsville, Al, Patrick Nolan Leaving Fox 4 News, Articles P