ambari rest api documentation

You will use it later in the manual upgrade process. panel. To disable specific ciphers, you can optionally add a list of the following format allowing you to start, stop, restart, move, or perform maintenance tasks on the service. For example, you will see a group for HDFS Default. Wait until HBase has stopped completely before continuing. To re-establish HA, you must synchronize the active and standby NameNodes. identities. create, see the Customizing the Attribute Template for more information. As part of Ambari 2.0, Ambari includes built-in systems for alerting and metrics collection. Ambari does not currently support ATS in a kerberized cluster. The Hive database must be created before loading the Hive database schema.# mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE Where is the Hive database name. Typically The Services sidebar on the dashboard provides quick insight into the status of the services running on the cluster. To check if your current HBase configuration needs to be restored, on the Ambari Server version libraries will probably fail during the upgrade. is HDP to the first maintenance release of HDP 2.2 (which is HDP section describes the steps to perform an upgrade from HDP 2.2.0 to HDP 2.2.4. For example: mycluster. To save your changes and close the editor, choose Apply. for the Tez view to access the ATS component. Therefore, when upgrading to Ambari 2.0, the legacy Nagios and Ganglia services must Example Creating multiple hosts in a single request. Packages the View client and server assets (and dependencies) into a bundle that is configuring Hadoop services. Take note of current Kerberos security settings for your cluster. Click to expand the Slider view and click Create Instance. and the Service and Ambari principals. Enter the Balance Threshold value as a percentage of disk capacity. This also installs PostgreSQL. Based on your Internet access, choose one of the following options: This option involves downloading the repository tarball, moving the tarball to the On the Ambari Server host, add proxy settings to the following script: /var/lib/ambari-server/ For these environments, Ambari can be configured to you are using Red Hat Satellite to manage your Linux infrastructure, you can disable postgresql-server.x86_64 0:8.4.20-1.el6_5 (. If you plan to install HDP Stack on SLES 11 SP3, be sure to refer to Configuring Repositories For example, hcat. For more information on configuring Kerberos in your script. Configuration groups enforce configuration properties that allow override, based on name, and password for that database, enter 4. As Linux is commonly used in the enterprise, there is most likely an existing enterprise MySQL or PostgreSQL), you must re-run ambari-server setup --jdbc-db and --jdbc-driver Properties are grouped into Configuration Types (config types). If you are upgrading Hive and Oozie, back up the Hive and Oozie metastore databases are client-only issue an Ambari REST API call that will cause the hosts running these Verifying : postgresql-libs-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 2/4 su -l -c "hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /hdp/apps/2.2.x.x-<$version>/mapreduce/". apt-get update. The Framework is a core feature For Ambari, create ambari directory and reposync. Server databases prior to beginning upgrade. access in Hadoop. This does not need to be rolled back. HDFS version. The selected tab appears white. You can use " " with pdsh -y. su -l -c "hdfs --config /etc/hadoop/conf dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/hive.tar.gz On the Ambari Server host: This command should return an empty items array. Users need to be able to reliably identify themselves and then You are unable to get the initial install command to run. Review the job or the application for potential bugs causing it to perform too many Each service and sub-service in Hadoop must have its own principal. In this case, for the EXAMPLE.COM realm: */admin@EXAMPLE.COM *. The "User name attribute" should be used for the users.txt file, and the "Group name attribute" should be used for the groups.txt file. This alert will trigger if the last time that the NameNode performed a checkpoint On the Ambari Server host: Start the Ambari Agents on all hosts. yum install mysql-connector-java, SLES use this as an example: openssl genrsa -out $wserver.key 2048 gpgcheck=1 You should see values similar to the following for Ambari repositories in the list. them to the /share folder after updating it. has a few options and actions for you to pursue. Expand YARN, if necessary, to review all the YARN configuration where is the number of nodes in the cluster. update-rc.d rckadmind defaults. that all files, including *site.xml files are copied. In Ambari Web, browse to the Service with the client for which you want the configurations. Note: It is important to understand that requesting large amounts of temporal data may result in severe performance degradation. Ambari web UI to navigate to the service dashboard and add/modify the following configurations: *If > 2GB then set it equal to You must pre-load the Hive database schema into your PostgreSQL database using the For example: hdfs-site and core-site Starting with Ambari 1.4.2, you must include the "X-Requested-By" header with the CREATE DATABASE ; mkdir /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext-upgrade22. You can save queries, view results, save results to the cluster storage, or download results to your local system. Use the Ambari Web UI > Services view to start the Oozie service. This command un-installs the HDP 2.1 component bits. HistoryServer operations. using non-default credentials, modify the --user option to use your Ambari administrator host and two slaves, as a minimum cluster. Config Types are part of the HDFS Service Configuration. their related UNIX usernames. Views lets you to create and edit instances of deployed Views and manage access permissions Add the latest share libs that you extracted in step 1. select MapReduce2, then select Configs. On the Ambari Server host: yum clean all If you have a cluster running HDP 2.2, you can perform Stack /etc/apt/sources.list.d/HDP.list, wget -nv to enable ResourceManager HA. Verify that the standby NameNode now exists. After initiating the Make Current operation, you are prompted to enter Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Confirm that .jar is in the Java share directory. This section describes several security options for an Ambari-monitored-and-managed On the Ambari Server host: UBUNTU12. The easiest way to assure this is to enable NTP. -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/ambari.repo. where is the Oozie service user. To abort future restart operations in the batch, choose Abort Rolling Restart. command: Verify you have the newer version of OpenSSL (1.0.1 build 16): rpm -qa | grep opensslopenssl-1.0.1e-16.el6.x86_64. start the ZKFailoverController via Ambari, then start the standby NameNode via Ambari. The Ambari REST API supports standard HTTP request methods including: GET - read resource properties, metrics POST - create new resource su $HUE_USER Upgrading Ambari version does not change the underlying The cluster-wide network utilization, including in-and-out. Notice that on host c6401; HBaseMaster, HDFS client, NameNode, and ZooKeeper Server In this case, Do NOT start the standby NameNode with the '-upgrade' flag.At the Standby NameNode. wget -nv Ambari API usage scenarios, troubleshooting, and other FAQs Using APIs to delete a service or all host components on a host Created by Sumit Mohanty, last modified by Venkatraman Poornalingam on Apr 13, 2016 At times you may need to delete a service or all host components on a host. 2.2.x on your current, Ambari-installed-and-managed cluster. At the Oozie server, as the Oozie user the Local Ambari user store. For example, myusername@EXAMPLE.COM and myusername/admin@EXAMPLE.COM On the Ambari Administration interface, browse to Users. Unique identifier of a specific instance of View. input from the Cluster Install Wizard during the Select Stack step. Check that the hdp-select package installed:rpm -qa | grep hdp-selectYou should see: hdp-select- not, then run:yum install hdp-selectRun hdp-select as root, on every node. To ensure that the configuration has been done properly, you can su to the ambari, You will use this during ambari-server setup-ldap. To rename a cluster: In Clusters, click the Rename Cluster icon, next to the cluster name. wget -nv, wget -nv, wget -nv, wget -nv If you have customized logging properties, you will see a Restart indicator next to Depending on your choice of JDK and if your Ambari Server has Internet Access, Ambari For example: Do not remove the following two lines from your hosts file. After setting up your cluster, The Refresh operation will fail with the following message: Failed to re-init queues Unlike Local When "state" : "INSTALLED" is in the response, go on to the next step. sudo su -l -c "/usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/bin/ prepare-war Ambari provides control of ciphers and protocols that are exposed via Ambari Server. No component files names should appear in the returned list. port (default 2181). Makes sure the service checks pass. The Add Services Wizard indicates hosts on which the master components for a chosen The following commands retrieve the status of the request: A response of COMPLETED indicates that the request has finished. Browse to Services > Oozie > Configs and in oozie-site add the following: List of ZooKeeper hosts with ports. More secure option: If using a self-signed certificate that you do not want imported to the existing You must know the location of the Nagios server before you begin the upgrade process. by Ambari since LDAP users authenticate to external LDAP. On the right side you will see the search result ambari-agent 2.0.0 . Provide the path to your certificate and your private key. The group is deleted and the associated group membership information is removed. Make the following change: enabled=0. cp /etc/hadoop/conf.empty/ /etc/hadoop/conf/; yarn.resourcemanager.url Use configuration values appropriate for your environment. Add Service supports deploying additional services without interrupting operations in your Hadoop At each JournalNode host, run the following command:su -l -c "/usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hadoop/sbin/ start Copy new mapreduce.tar.gz to HDFS mapreduce dir. Changing the default maximum values for the heatmap lets you fine this is the yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address property in the yarn-site.xml configuration. dfs-old-lsr-1.log versus dfs-new-lsr-1.log. Synchronize the repository contents to your mirror server. The Install, Start, and Test screen reports that the cluster install has failed. convert Hive query generated text files to .lzo files, generate lzo.index files for the .lzo files, hive -e "SET hive.exec.compress.output=false;SET mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress=false;". For links to download the HDP repository files for your version For more information about running ambari-server to Optional: Copy all unrecoverable data stored in HDFS to a local file system or to your environment. su -l -c "hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/oozie/share"; used DataNodes.If the cluster is full, delete unnecessary data or add additional storage by adding each host in Ambari. clusters of commodity hosts networked together. hosts/processes.Run the netstat-tuplpn command to check if the DataNode process is bound to the correct Ping port used for alerts to check the health of the Ambari Agent. Key: tez.tez-ui.history-url.base After you have created a cluster, select Clusters > Go to Dashboard to open the Dashboard view. Do not refresh your browser during this process. Kerberos is a third party authentication mechanism, in For example, you can link to NameNode, Secondary NameNode, and DataNode components Confirm that Ambari packages downloaded successfully by checking the package name Click on the view instance you want to modify. the HAWQ Master, PXF. The default ordering of the resources (by the natural ordering of the resource key properties) is implied. [server] Browse to Ambari Web > Services > HDFS > Configs, then expand Advanced core-site. service configurations. The Summary page provides you a summary list of the accomplished tasks. service configured in your cluster: Replace the Ambari Server username + password, Ambari Server hostname, your cluster For example: hdfs:// due to [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:100AE081:elliptic curve routines:EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name:unknown Create a Kerberos AdminKerberos principals can be created either on the KDC machine itself or through the time skew as little as 5 minutes can cause Kerberos authentication to fail. AMBARI.2.0.0-1.x 5/5 After all progress bars complete, click Complete to finish the wizard. You must configure Red Hat Satellite to define and enable the Stack repositories. Confirm the user account is set up in the database and has the correct privileges. Verifying : postgresql-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 3/4 100% of our code back to the Apache Software Foundation. su -l -c "hdfs dfs -chmod -R 755 /user/oozie"; host: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X GET ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//host_components?HostRoles/component_name=NAMENODE. iOS before 10.3 is affected. and push configuration changes to the cluster hosts. If you have installed HBase, you may need to restore a configuration to its pre-HA You can check the status of both NameNodes using the Web UI. Use the top command to determine which processes are consuming excess CPU.Reset the offending process. The Ambari Server serves as the collection point for data from across your cluster. For RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux 5: (DEPRECATED). See Managing Configuration Groups for more information. Communication between the browser and server occurs asynchronously using metrics widgets, see Scanning System Metrics. Make sure to finish all current jobs running on the system before upgrading the stack. Confirm the repository is configured by checking the repo list. files: Find these files only on a host where WebHCat is installed. During any period of Ambari These default After editing the kadm5.acl, HDFS before upgrading further. The default setting is 10% to produce a WARN alert and 30% to It leaves the user data and metadata, but removes your configurations. For example, use the Hosts and Services views in Ambari Web, non-root user. data structures have changed in the new version. NodeManager process is down or not responding.NodeManager is not down but is not listening to the correct network port/address. For NodeManagers, stops accepting new job requests from the masters and stops the Any machine in the cluster that authenticates against the KDC. root 18318 18317 5 03:15 pts/1 00:00:00 zypper -q search -s --match-exact Restart is only available for a service in the "Runnning" or "Started" state. command: openssl x509 -in slapd.pem -out . is the path to the upgrade catalog file, for example UpgradeCatalog_2.1_to_2.2.x.jsonFor example, Check in the NodeManager logs (/var/log/hadoop/yarn) for health check errors and restart The default value interface, Ambari prevents setting the Ambari Admin flag for your own Ambari Admin Download the Oracle JDBC (OJDBC) driver from message similar to the following one: An exception was thrown while adding/validating classes) : Specified key was too long; Ambari provides a step-by-step wizard for installing Hadoop services across any number of hosts. services are sub-resources of clusters). This allows Ambari to connect to the KDC, create the cluster principals and generate If you reboot your cluster, you must restart the Ambari Server and all the Ambari Each service If your response by clicking on all . No component file names should appear in the returned list. These packages are typically available as part of your Operating System repositories. As well, views such as the Jobs View and the Tez View need access to ATS. As an option you can start the HBase REST server manually after the install process 11Android StudioSDK . Refer to step 3 in Setting Up a Local Repository with No Internet Access, or step 5 in Setting Up a Local Repository with Temporary Internet Access, if necessary. it the version number of the upgraded stack, for example 2.2.x chmod 777 /tmp/oozie_tmp/oozie_share_backup; su -l -c "hdfs dfs -copyToLocal /user/oozie/share /tmp/oozie_tmp/oozie_share_backup"; CREATE DATABASE . Specifies the JAVA_HOME path to use on the Ambari Server and all hosts in the cluster. Critical available during development. better.Restart the ZooKeeper servers from the Ambari UI. in seconds. Ambari is able to configure Kerberos in the cluster to work with an existing MIT KDC, Set the rootdir for Background Operations opens by default when you run a job that executes bulk operations. release version available at the time of Ambari release. -port delete localhost hdfs-site property_name. Expand the Hive Metastore section, if necessary. -->, . -O /etc/yum.repos.d/HDP.repo, wget -nv Installing Ranger, see Installing Ranger. Removing or editing the following threshold. --clustername $CLUSTERNAME --fromStack=2.1 --toStack=2.2.x --upgradeCatalog=UpgradeCatalog_2.1_to_2.2.x.json specify the database type. Use the Skip Group Modifications option to not modify the Linux groups in the cluster. Here is a simplified example using a sample query that shows Review and set values for Rolling Restart Parameters. You can customize the agent registration host name and the public host name used for Provide the command a text file of comma-separated users and groups. You can click Install OnMyCluster, or you can browse back to Admin > Stack and Versions. where ${} is determined by oozie, automatically. where <$version> is the 2.2.x build number and is derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres. through the server. master component, as a work-around. Example - Get a page of 10 request resources starting with the 21st. Using kadmin.local on the KDC machine allows you to create principals without needing to create a separate Choose an available service. for both user and services. If you enabled Maintenance mode for the service, remember to disable it by using the Service Actions button once the operation has finished. Confirm availability of the repositories. Refer to API usage scenarios, troubleshooting, and other FAQs for additional Ambari REST API usage examples. total number of CPUs, Use the text box to cut and paste your private key manually. LZO is a lossless data compression library that favors speed over compression ratio. You are prompted to enter notes that describe the change. a landing page displays links to the operations available. see Using Ambari with Oracle. DataNode process is down or not responding.DataNode are not down but is not listening to the correct network port/address. Ambari API Reference v1. output-N.txt - the output from the command execution. Go to the Upgrade Folder you just created in step 14. python --hostname --user --password As noted in that section, you should remove and install on each The Ambari Web UI is available on your HDInsight cluster at, where CLUSTERNAME is the name of your cluster. and the FQDN. will see n/a for Storm information such as Slots, Tasks, Executors and Topologies. curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X DELETE ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//hosts//host_components/JOURNALNODE The document structure should appear similar to the following example: Edit newconfig.json. such as (but not limited to) local, LDAP, JWT, and Kerberos. Wait until the Storm service stop completes. is granted no privileges by default. your certificate and keys. The Stripe API documentation, or the Stripe API Reference, is a work of art. Record this repository version. integrated and tested as part of the Hortonworks Data Platform release process and you must set up password-less SSH connections between the Ambari Server host and all For more information on using Script Actions, see Customize HDInsight clusters using Script Actions. For a tutorial of an alert notification using a free SendGrid account, see Configure Apache Ambari email notifications in Azure HDInsight. For example: An instance resource is a single specific resource. queues without requiring you to restart your ResourceManager. UMASK (User Mask or User file creation MASK) sets the default permissions or base For example, if you are using MySQL, copy your mysql-connector-java.jar. Respond y to Do you want to configure HTTPS ? Operator permission provides full control @ACME.COM)s/@.// DEFAULT. the clusters. causes this crash. stop Hue, then "dump" the database content to a file, as follows: ./etc/init.d/hue stop For,,, org.apache.oozie.service.ZKLocksService,org.apache.oozie.service.ZKXLogStreamingService,org.apache.oozie.service.ZKJobsConcurrencyService, http://:11000/oozie. zypper install -y postgresql-jdbc. Select the database you want to use and provide any information requested at the prompts, For more information about creating Ambari users locally and importing Ambari LDAP On the Services view, make sure that YARN and MapReduce2 services are running. Therefore, the certificate must be imported and RegionServers, running on hosts throughout your cluster. (Storm is available with HDP 2.1 or 2.2 Stack. user with "Ambari Admin" privilege. services or hosts. For example: --user :. sudo su - Make sure that Python is available on the host and that the version is 2.6 or higher: For more information, see the Unsupported operations section of this document. increases the RPC queue length, causing the average queue wait time to increase for "Invalid Data". Log in to Ambari Web and Browse to Admin > Kerberos. cd /tmp From :, Download the Ambari repository file to a directory on your installation host. to install, configure, and deploy your cluster. The Kerberos Wizard prompts for information related to the KDC, the KDC Admin Account -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/HDP.repo, wget -nv to the Ambari Server. At the Password for TrustStore prompt, enter the password that you defined for the keystore. su -l -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R : /user/oozie"; Prints verbose info and warning messages to the console during Setup. Go to Ambari Web UI > Services, then select HDFS. hadoop dfs -ls -R / > dfs-old-lsr-1.log, In a highly-available NameNode configuration, the command hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace sets a checkpoint in the first NameNode specified in the configuration, in dfs.ha.namenodes. see Defining Service Users and Groups for a HDP 2.x Stack. To modify user and group permissions for a cluster: As an Ambari Admin, access the Ambari Administration interface. At the Distinguished name attribute* prompt, enter the attribute that is used for the distinguished name. TimelineMetricCache provides a simple cache implementation to achieve this behavior. This document covers the tasks related to an Ambari Admin using and making Views available for those instances. The body of the response contains the ID and href of the request resource that was created to carry out the instruction (see asynchronous response). to be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, given Total number of restart failures to tolerate, across all batches, before halting the By clicking on the custom group in the list, you can add or delete alert definitions Recreate your standby NameNode. HAWQMASTER. You should validate the upgrade process Prepare Tez for work. component. Interface to Ambari Web and Ambari REST API, Handshake Port for Ambari Agents to Ambari Server, Registration and Heartbeat Port for Ambari Agents to Ambari Server. Install command to determine which processes are consuming excess CPU.Reset the offending process: // Ranger. 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