Sean stayed at the campfire to get a haircut. Karen is more warm and supportive towards the brothers and their goal. Doris won't care if Sean doesn't have only a bit of money to fully pay for the articles and will force him to at least remove something. Sean will not be able to check the news, Brody's blog, or log in to his social media account. If Chad did not break the toy, then it will appear in the. Daniel will periodically ask what the marks on the trees are. Daniel didn't take out his anger on the photo of the family. Sean will say he's making his specialty, "Cafe Diaz". Go outside the balcony door in the room with the TV. Daniel is more conflicted about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. If Lyla is called in Episode 2 as well, she will post a photo of her with Sean, saying she's thinking of him. Sean doesnt forgive Karen and tells her off. Cassidy will comment she looks happy and likes how Sean sees her. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. This choice confirms Sean not having faith for the time being. Chris guides them through a backwoods shortcut that avoids the police entirely. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). Sean allows Daniel to have a happy moment before telling the truth about Esteban. Before reaching the gas station, Daniel will thank Sean for sticking up for him. Sean can steal one item without getting Daniel involved, as Doris doesn't constantly watch him on the alert. At the Christmas Market, Daniel won't have an extra line of dialogue when he and Chris talk about Mustard Party. Sean will be extremely worried about her. Sean uses the found key to open the door to Karen's room. Sean puts a towel in the bathroom and informs Daniel about it. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood, and letting Daniel come back with three logs first. Big Joe will not join the final confrontation. Use Daniel's power to blast open Karen's door. There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel. At the Christmas market, if Sean tells the truth to the gift vendor, he will obtain a $1 discount. Sean apologizes and tells Daniel that it's dangerous for them to look for her. Money problems.. :: Life is Strange 2 General Discussions. Daniel will blame Sean or Cassidy for Finn's death and destroy the room. Sean has the option while handcuffed at the gas station. Daniel will not steal anything from Brody's car. If Sean stole in Episode 1, he'll have up to $10 more at the beginning of Episode 2 (depending on how much he spent in the first episode). Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood, and coming back with three logs before Daniel. Luke and Madison will stay locked up and keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel, unless they are knocked out. At the motel, Daniel will place a toy he stole from Brody on the nightstand after Sean examines something. He will see multiple articles about the Seattle shooting. If Sean asks for food and fails, it will not push Doris towards being more hostile. The present Sean bought will appear in the, All bought and stolen presents will appear in the. Life is Strange 2 - Episode 5 $7.99 Description The two brothers continue their journey on the road into the winter months and struggle against the cold. Nicholas will bring Sean into the church. Sean will have the opportunity to confront Charles about his behavior by saying "Chris talked to me" in Charles' truck. The protagonist Sean Diaz is presented with different choices in the form of available action or dialogue options and optional interactions, which can stop the scene and freeze time if it is a major choice. Depending on the toys from Episode 1 or 2, Chad will break the Chibi Power Bear or the drawing tablet. Caused by: Not trimming any weed buds or only up to 8. Choices and Consequences are a main gameplay element in Life is Strange 2. Lisbeth might use killing the cougar while arguing with Sean to accuse him of being "sinful". If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1 and Sean was honest with her mom, she will post a photo of her with Daniel, saying she's thinking of him. I remind you that we are at the pre-consultation stage. Big Joe will join the confrontation in Merrill's living room and shoot Finn in the leg. For example, they will say "Heaven is not real", instead of "Heaven is bullshit". Luke and Madison will keep on shouting at Sean and Daniel. Sean asked Finn about his day after getting out of Big Joe's truck. Agent Flores will show Sean a photo of the unconscious Finn in the hospital. Nicholas will not be suspicious upon arriving at Lisbeth's house. Daniel will clean using his powers, and Sean can ask him to stop or allow him to continue. Sean can choose to let the idea go and not force Daniel. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they killed the cougar, Finn appears to slightly disapprove of the action but this doesn't affect your relationship with him in the long run. Caused by: Obtaining at least two of the following: Potato Chips, Sliced Bread, Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese. Cassidy will go skinny dipping in the lake and invite Sean in. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then Sean agreeing to pray with Claire. Daniel can talk about Mushroom being in heaven with Claire's deceased dog in a background conversation. He will only mention stealing from the gas station if Sean attempted to steal the gear, but chose to run, instead of attacking Hank. Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s). Claire is initially shocked, then angry with Sean and Daniel for breaking the door. Sean confides in Stephen about Daniel's power. Raise any suspicion and reject Karen's help; Raise too much suspicion, regardless of whether Karen's help is accepted. Sean will just proceed to watch an old family Christmas video on his phone and then throw it off the balcony. Sean refers to skipping stones when teaching Daniel to use the claw game at Bear Station. Jacob can mention that Hannah, Cassidy and Penny went to Merrill's when they found out Finn was gone. Daniel will complain about the lack of food or comment on how they're eating leftovers from strangers, to which Sean will reply that they don't have enough money. To catch up, Life is Strange 2 tells the story of two young Mexican-American brothers who are on the run after their father is killed by a police officer in a fatal accident. Meaningly contributes to getting closer to Finn. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then Sean refusing to pray with Claire. For the remainder of Episode One, Sean's nostrils will be noticeably bloody, and he will have a bruise on his right cheek. Shame the fanbase completely fucking sidelined it. Daniel doesn't have to consider opening their cell. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, she will answer the phone, upset at him for hanging up on her, revealing that the police confronted her about the call and that she had to lie to them. If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame himself. After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can dismiss his complains, ordering him to be silent instead. If Sean goes on a midnight swim, he can kiss Cassidy without lying to her. When Lisbeth asks Sean if he has faith in God: If Sean replies he has faith, Lisbeth will say Daniel told her so. Daniel asks Sean about the loud moaning sounds coming from the room. If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident. Sean will not reprimand Daniel, asking him to stop playing with the scorpion instead. Sean says nothing is certain at the moment, upsetting Daniel more. If Sean decides to draw, his drawing will look sharp and accurate. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Eventually, he might sound more confident if his power encouragement is somewhere in the middle. Life is Strange: Before the Storm "Farewell" Bonus Episode. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. Daniel will wear a lime green, long-sleeved shirt, found between Episode 1 and 2. 0. Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. Saturated as he is with endless details of Rizal's life, he has had the good taste to select those incidents or those phases of Rizal's life that exhibit his greatness of soul and that show the factors that were the most potent in shaping his character and . The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side. From the floor, Merrill cocks his gun at Finn and kills him. Agent Flores asks if Finn was his partner in crime. Israel's emigration with his family to Egypt. Charles thanks Sean for an honest conversation and promises to do better. Sean will mention meeting Finn in his sketchbook and how it brought back conflicting memories. If Anton drives him to Haven point, he will ask Sean what happened to him. Sean will not refer to skipping stones when encouraging Daniel at the claw game. Daniel will give Sean a drawing he made right after. Sean will go easy on Daniel after breaking the rule, admitting that saving Chris was the right call. Sean will have the same hairstyle for the rest of the episode. You are now ready for breakfast. Sean will not gain any additional money at the start of the game. Sean cannot talk about his past to the others, a separate scene where Daniel talks about his problems happens instead. Daniel tries to help Sean free but Hank knocks Daniel to the ground. Finn will try to give Sean some advice on how to aim better. - 18%, Daniel was told to tell the truth but he continued lying to Chris. life is strange 2 remind the rules or concede. Sean will be exhausted, sunburnt and hungry on his arrival at Haven Point, wishing he went in the truck instead of walking. In his dream, Sean can come out to Esteban by revealing he kissed a boy. Stephen tells Sean not to say anything to Claire. Sean sided with Cassidy while trimming weed. His and Sean's conversation in the car, before the final decision, feels more uncertain. Note that if Daniel is sick from the berries, you will not see this outcome. The brothers will be able to bury Mushroom. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Sean doesn't do the brothers' howl before training. Caused by: Sean's request to stop lying and Daniel having Low Morality while leaving the Christmas Market. Sean confronts Charles about how he behaved towards Chris the previous day and advises to seek some help or urges him to get better for Chris' sake. Sean agrees to help Joan set up her new sculpture. 5.2. Finn will appear on a photograph sent to Daniel in the Parting Ways ending, if Finn was romanced and Sean didn't tell Agent Flores that the heist was Finn's idea. Concede to Daniel when he saves Chris at the treehouse. Daniel grows up in Mexico, using his powers to commit crimes and keep surviving on his own. If Sean helped set up Joan's sculpture, she will give him a wolf figurine to remind him of his inner artist. Chronomancy has been restricted by royal decree for centuries. Sean will be extremely worried about her. Arthur and Stanley will warmly goodbye Sean before leaving. Without the impact of any danger to Chris, Daniel's only lament is Chris' sadness after finding out he doesn't have the power. Content posted in this community. The newspaper headline in the cabin will be "GAS STATION OWNER CONFRONTS FUGITIVES" and the article will emphasize Hank's alleged desire to help them if Sean didn't steal. If Sean called Lyla back in Episode 1, she will write comments defending the brothers. Cassidy will be seen unconscious in Merrill's destroyed living room during the ending sequence. Daniel is uncertain of what to do, while Sean says he's proud of Daniel for how much he learned. Chris will still think he has powers and run onto the road to use them to stop a Police car pursuing Sean and Daniel. Daniel will wear the lime green shirt that he found, both at the campfire and during the heist. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. - 43%, You chose to protect Daniel's secret and told him to be careful. After Daniel wakes up with a nightmare about his dad, Sean will easily be able to comfort him and get him to go back to sleep. Completing the game by asking Daniel to come out after some time has elapsed is not a negative impact on their relationship. Click here for Season 2 overall consequences. Doris will become hostile after Sean steals an item. Caused by: Not asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to hurt the officers. Contributes to getting closer to Cassidy. Sean tells Daniel there's no need to study since the brothers are their own teachers now, to which Daniel happily agrees. You find him (actually, he finds you) in the bathroom - approach the bathtub and interact with the curtain. Sean will refuse to tell her about the accident. As Max you must uncover the disturbing truth behind your premonitions and learn that changing the past can sometimes to lead to a devastating future. Daniel will be knocked back from the impact of the snowball and yell at Sean for hitting him. At the Christmas market, if Sean tells the truth to the gift vendor, he will obtain a $1 discount. In a fit of rage, Daniel throws Merrill backwards and destroys the room. This increases the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as a "Nosey bitch" in his sketchbook. While it is not possible to take Mushroom at this point, the answer affects relationship with Daniel and the dialogue in Brody's car. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, there will be many updates about Sean and Daniel posted on her wall. Chris will help the brothers escape undetected and won't get hurt. The Committee considered advice from the Examiner of Statutory Rules. He will fail and hurt himself. - 42%, Overall, Daniel was repressed from using his power. This will contribute to Daniel getting angry and refusing optional activities at the campsite. - 33%, Daniel didn't blame anyone since Chris was fine. Sean can start an optional drawing and Daniel will ask to draw him as a superhero. Daniel will gain some chips, contributing to the amount of nutritious food he will eat at the end of the scene. Sean can promise Daniel to get a Chock-O-Crisp for him later. Sean can either say it's fine to urinate in the woods or insist that Daniel uses the bathroom there because it is safer. Daniel isn't charged due to his age and gets to be raised without any repercussions in Beaver Creek by his grandparents. Sean draws Cassidy as she plays on her guitar. Caused by: Not asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. After that, Daniel will occasionally point out a trail blaze in the forest. The sequel, originally released back in 2018, marks developer Dontnod Entertainment's. If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?". Do that twice. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. Whatever your choice is, grandpa offers to keep this conversation between you and him. When Lisbeth asks about his faith, Sean has to respond. Chris will mention having spent winter with a cast on his leg in his letter to Sean and Daniel. This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. Sean is jailed for 15 years and is warmly welcomed by Daniel, Karen and (optionally) Lyla upon release. Choices and Consequences are a main gameplay element in Life is Strange 2. Ring the doorbell by clicking on it. Contributes to getting closer to Finn, especially if Sean tells Cassidy it's people like him who give him inspiration. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will empathize with him. Brothers dance together on the bed to "Banquet" by Bloc Party and Mushroom watches with excitement. This completely cuts off the possibility of Chris being injured during the episode's finale. When examining the beer at night, Sean will berate himself for not packing an item better suited to survival. It takes around 2-3 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. Sean isn't religious after facing Lisbeth at Haven Point, You decided to force the road block and Daniel accepted, You decided to force the road block and Daniel refused, You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel accepted, You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel refused, Overall, you taught Daniel to do his best to follow the rules of society, Overall, you taught Daniel to put himself and his brother first, You did the treasure hunt and found the hidden souvenir, You did the treasure hunt but didn't finish the quest, You overall kept your distances with Karen, You didn't say farewell to Arthur and Stanley, You intervened to calm Diego in the cells, You asked Daniel to open the vigilantes' cell, You didn't ask Daniel to free the vigilantes, You asked Daniel to take revenge on the vigilantes, You asked Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station, You didn't ask Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station, Daniel was told off about the scorpion and stopped messing with it, Daniel was told off about the scorpion but kept on messing with it, Daniel wasn't told off about the scorpion, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture like he wanted, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture with your help, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture without your help, Daniel was concerned about hurting Officer Campbell, Daniel wasn't concerned about Officer Campbell, Daniel accepted to open the vigilantes' cell, Daniel wasn't asked to free the vigilantes, Daniel accepted to take revenge on the vigilantes, Daniel refused to take revenge on the vigilantes, Daniel didn't have to lash out at the vigilantes, Daniel killed the officers when leaving the police station, Daniel locked up the officers in a closet, Daniel was forced to intervene because the officers got too close, Daniel was reluctant but forced to kill the officers, Overall, you and Daniel became close during the journey, Overall, you and Daniel became distant during the journey. 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